Friday, March 6, 2015

Baby talk: Good reads, vol. 2

A couple weeks ago, I shared some of my favorite starting reads for parents-to-be, filled with gems about registries, birth plans, labor and delivery, and decorating. But now it's time to move on to the tougher topic at hand: Parenting.

I won't lecture you about motherhood, but I'll sum it up as best I can: It's beautiful, messy, colorful, frustrating, rewarding and tiring. When I started sifting through some of my favorite pieces of writing, I found a common theme: They made me laugh, and they made me feel good about my parenting abilities. So here's the next part of your parenting-class syllabus:
  1. In a nutshell, the best parenting advice is "don't kill them."
  2. Prepare yourself for lots of well-meaning, but totally irritating advice from strangers on the street. McSweeney's lays it out here.
  3. People tell you lots of lies about infant sleep. Don't believe the hype. Every baby is different, every parent is different, and every household is different. 
  4. Calm the fuck down: The CTFD method is the sweariest parenting philosophy.
Two pieces of practical advice:
Do any parents out there have some favorite reads to add to the mix? As you can see, we're willing to consider all sorts of parents scribes and screeds. 

Image from here 

PS - Vol. 3 to come in a week or two! 

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